TGStat has the largest Telegram channels and groups base, tracked real-time
TGStat offers a full range of possibilities for a comprehensive search of posts and messages in Telegram
More than 2456k public and private Telegram channels and groups
More than 43.4bn posts and messages from Telegram channels and groups. More than 36m new every day
Graph by a number of mentions and posts reach of the topic in question since 2017
New posts are indexed in real-time and are present in search results as soon as in 7 seconds after being posted on Telegram
Search by word or phrase, taking into account the morphology of the Russian and English languages
You can use words for exclusion, operators for finding the intersection/union of the desired subsets, the exact phrase match
The distribution of the results found by facets immediately shows the full picture of the topic being mentioned in Telegram
Filters by source, by geography and language of the source, by type and subject of the source, by the number of post views, etc.
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