Гео и язык канала: Киргизия, Фарси
Категория: Даркнет

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Гео и язык канала
Киргизия, Фарси
Фильтр публикаций

🩵🩵🩵🩵Picture description:

In the rays of blissful sunlight, under the shade of a leafy tree, three graces are immersed in a world of illusions. Their attire, like rose petals, blends with the green symphony of nature. A tea party on a wooden throne - a ritual of refinement. The caress of shadows and the radiance of light have created harmony, where every detail is a poem. Effortlessness, charm, the magic of the moment.

‼️Useful vocabulary:

blissful [ˈblɪsfl] - блаженный
immersed [ɪˈmɜrst] - погруженный
refinement [rɪˈfaɪnmənt] - утонченность
caress [kəˈrɛs] - ласка
radiance [ˈreɪdiəns] - сияние
harmony [ˈhɑːrməni] - гармония
effortless [ˈɛfərtləs] - непринужденный
charm [ʧɑːrm] - очарование


⭐️Hit the books - to study hard.
— I have a big test next week, so I need to hit the books.

⭐️A piece of cake - very easy
— The interview was a piece of cake. I was well-prepared.

⭐️Once in a blue moon - very rarely
— I only go to the cinema once in a blue moon.

⭐️Break the ice - to start a (conversation)
— At the party, we played a game to break the ice.

⭐️Under the weather - feeling ill
— I was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday.

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💎 When I Talk To Myself Like This, The SHIFT starts to HAPPEN - Louise Hay on The Law Of Attraction

🩵🩵🩵🩵Picture description:

There are two girls in the picture carelessly talking and drinking something super warm that creates light steam from their cups. The floor is covered with soft and comfortable pillows. In the background, we can see a ravishing fireplace which is burning wood, with an air of mystique. There is some random stuff around, and all of it is still so fitting in only one room.

‼️Useful vocabulary:

Carelessly [ˈkɛəlɪsli] - беззаботно, небрежно
Super [ˈsuːpər] - супер, очень
Steam [stiːm] - пар
Ravishing [ˈrævɪʃɪŋ] - очаровательный, привлекательный
Mystique [mɪsˈtiːk] - таинственность, загадочность
Random [ˈrændəm] - случайный, произвольный
Fitting [ˈfɪtɪŋ] - соответствующий, подходящий

Reading full mock 10.pdf
🩵📖🩵🩵🩵🩵Full Mock

Javoblar 2 soatda yuklanadi.

🩵🩵🩵🩵Picture description:

In this painting, a woman is depicted in a cozy cafe, lost in her thoughts. Her contemplative expression and calm posture create an atmosphere of introspection. The lamp above her head emits a soft light, adding warmth and coziness. A teapot with cups on the table symbolizes moments of tranquility and solitude. The book nearby hints at the woman's intellectual nature.

‼️Useful vocabulary:

contemplative [ˈkɒntəmˌpleɪtɪv] - созерцательный
introspection [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃən] - внутреннее самонаблюдение
solitude [ˈsɒlɪˌtjuːd] - одиночествоintellectual [ˌɪnˈtelɪdʒʊəl] - интеллектуальный
expression [ɪkˈsprɛʃən] - выражение
cozy [ˈkəʊzɪ] - уютный
hint [hɪnt] - намек

⏭️Assalomu aleykum! 🩵🟡🟡


🩵🩵September va October oylarida multilevel topshiryotganlar uchun yangi, 0 dan kurs boshlanyapti, faqat ustozlar uchun!

The course is for only teachers, no school students!

✅Offline: 300.000


✅From 2:30 4:30 (in the afternoon)

✅Adress: Fergana, city center

For more information ➡️


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📹 Barack Obama's Inspirational Speech with Subtitles || One of the best English speeches.

🩵Bugun tushgan speaking part 1.2

🅱ugungi speaking part 1.2 koʻpi shu kitobdan tushgan👆👆👆

📂 Speaking New Format

🖼️Topics + Picture-based questions

🅰ssalomu aleykum! Good afternoon, friends🩵🟡🟡


I'm going to open a new multilevel course soon! We'll have an intensive group for those who are going to take the test in October and November 🟣🟣
(Both online and OFFLINE in Fergana city)

🩵🩵September va October oylarida multilevel topshiryotganlar uchun yangi, 0 dan kurs boshlanyapti

Online:100.000 ( haftada 4 marta)

For more information ➡️



🌟Part 1
What is your favorite food?

What do you do on the weekend?

🌟Part 1.2
Online education and classroom education

🌟Part 2
You tried hard to do something but failed

Animals should have legal rights as humans


🌟 Part 1.1
Who was your first teacher?
Do you love in a flat or a house?

🌟 Part 1.2
Describe traveling by plane or train( relevant 3 questions)

🌟 Part 2
Describe a critical decision you made

🌟Part 3
Advantages and disadvantages of video games on children

🩵Good morning, everyone🩵

🍀Start your day with smiles

🍀Set big goals

🍀Work hard and smart

🍀Let your dreams come true

🍀Listening part 2 answers

🩵🩵🩵🩵 Picture description:

The painting depicts a scene in an antique train carriage, filled with characters. The focus is on a girl in a hat, looking thoughtfully over the back of a seat. Next to her, a man engrossed in reading, with his legs stretched out on the seat, wearing vintage boots. The atmosphere is permeated with retro style, with details that evoke a sense of the past century. Leather straps and bags hang overhead, adding to the feeling of travel. Every element of the painting is meticulously rendered, creating a picturesque and nostalgic scene full of melancholy and coziness.

‼️Useful vocabulary:

antique [ænˈtiːk] - антикварный
characters [ˈkærəktərz] - персонажи
engrossed [ɪŋˈɡroʊst] - поглощенный
vintage [ˈvɪntɪdʒ] - винтажный
permeated [ˈpɜːrmiˌeɪtɪd] - пронизан
meticulously [məˈtɪkjələsli] - тщательно
picturesque [ˌpɪkʧəˈresk] - живописный
nostalgic [nɑˈstældʒɪk] - ностальгический

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🌟 Speaking new format yòriqnomasi

⏭️Part 1.1

📍3 ta savol, òylash uchun 5 soniya, 30 soniya gapirishga

⏭️Part 1.2

📍Rasm tasvirlash, òylash uchun 10 soniya, gapirishga 45 soniya, qolgan 2 ta savoliga òylash uchun 5, gapirishga 30 soniya beriladi

⏭️Part 2.

📍1 savol, 1 minut òylashga, 2 minut gapirishga

⏭️Part 3

📍1 minut òylashga, 2 minut gapirishga

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Listening Part 1


1 Sure, you can!
2 Sure, No problem!
3 Sorry, I don't work here!
4 Quite long time!
5 It is clear now!
6 Hope you enjoyed!
7 I don't think so!
8 I understand.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.